Rebuild your index on MsDyn365FO Tier1 and Tier2+ environments

I know that rebuilding database index is a polarizing topic. Anyway I want to share with you what I´ve recently found.

Over the last service updates the Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations database got some handy new stored procedures to e. g. rebuild indexes. You can use those stored procedures on Tier1 environments but also on Tier2+ environments e. g. bevor you start a load test run.

As an excurse: Normally Data Administration and Management Service (DAMS) should take care of your indexes on Tier2+ environment, but when you´re not trusting also this “Hokuspokus”, you could use the procedure on Tier2+ environments.

The stored procedure I´m referring to has the name AXPerf_IndexMaintenance and you can start it in SQL Server Management Studio via the following command.

DECLARE        @return_value int

EXEC        @return_value = [dbo].[AXPerf_IndexMaintenance]




@MAXDOP = 1,

@SCHEMA = N’dbo’

SELECT        ‘Return Value’ = @return_value


The parameters are most likely self-explanatory:

MAXDURATION = Max duration of the index maintenance in minutes

TOPLIMITOFINDEXES  = How many index should be considered in the current maintenance run

ONLINEDEFRAG = 1 to run online defragmentation/rebuild

MAXDOP = Max degree of parallelism

SCHEMA = Schema to run the maintenance for
