A simple way to implement a parallel batch processing in X++

One of the powerful features of Dynamics 365 Finance and Operations is a Batch framework. In this post, I explain how you can convert your existing batch job to multi-threaded to increase its performance.

Initial example

Let's consider the following operation - a user dialog that processes customer transactions and performs an action at the end.

The logic is quite simple - loop thought all specified customer transactions and call process() function. In our case, it will sleep for the specified number of milliseconds. After the processing of the transactions, it runs a final function - in our case, it is just an Infolog message.

public void run()
    //1. data preparation
    info(strFmt("%1 - Start operation", AifUtil::applyUserPreferredTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::utcNow())));

    //2. Query Processing

    //3.final task
    info(strfmt("%2 - %1 record(s) processed", SysQuery::countTotal(queryRun),
public void runQueryProcessing()
    while (queryRun.next())
        CustTrans   custTrans = queryRun.get(tablenum(CustTrans));
public void processRecord(CustTrans  _custTrans)
    //do some job using _custTrans and transDate

Standard USMF demo company has 1700 customer transactions, so if we run this job with no filters in a user interface or in a batch and specify 200ms to process one transaction, it will take 340 seconds for the whole job.

Solution design principles

It is quite obvious that we can optimize this by running the code in parallel threads. Possible options of how this works are described in AX perf blog - Batch Parallelism in AX, but every approach from that article has its pros and cons.

What should be considered while designing a simplified solution for this:

  • A change should be simple and require minimum modifications to the original class. We don't want to create new classes or new tables to support parallel execution.
  • We can't run a single batch thread per one transaction - it will create a lot of overhead for a batch framework, so the solution should allow specifying maximum batch threads.
  • Execution flow in batch mode or in user interface should be exactly the same, better to avoid operations that can be run only in a batch.
  • We should support the final task, and it should be executed only once after transactions processing.

In most cases, we(as developers) should know how to split the load. In the example above we can just split selected customer transactions by equal intervals, but the split function can be more complex(for example we may want to avoid running parallel tasks for the same customer to prevent blocking)

The main idea is to introduce a new class parameter batchIdentifier - identification for the split interval and then run our logic only for this interval.

I created a base class DEVTutorialBatchMultipleThreadBase to incorporate this logic. If we have batchIdentifier specified - that means it is a child task that needs to perform a calculation for this batchIdentifier. If the class is executed with an empty batch identifier - that means it is the main task that should split the load and create all tasks for each split interval and the final task at the end.

class DEVTutorialBatchMultipleThreadBase extends RunBaseBatch
    public void run()
        container               batchIdentifierCon;
        int                     i;
        if (batchIdentifier) //child task
            if (batchIdentifier == this.finalTaskIdentifier())

            batchIdentifier = this.finalTaskIdentifier();
            this.processThreadItem(true); //create the final task, we need a dependency, so create it in the beggining.

            batchIdentifierCon = this.getBatchIdentifiersRangeCon();

            for (i = 1; i <= conLen(batchIdentifierCon); i++)
                batchIdentifier = conPeek(batchIdentifierCon, i);

            if (finalTask)
                if (this.isInBatch())

Method processThreadItem creates the same instance of our class and calls a pack function. If the process is executed in a batch mode it creates a new runtime batch task. Without batch mode, it just runs this task.

Multiple threads batch example

Let's change our class to multithread.

we need to implement 3 function - runStartTask()runThreadTask()runFinalTask() to execute our tasks and getBatchIdentifiersRangeCon() to create a list of intervals - in our case it will be ranges FromRecId..ToRecId for the selected transactions. Method getBatchIdentifiersRangeCon() is the most complex and new in this example, all others are just a copy of original methods.

public class DEVTutorialBatchMultipleThread extends DEVTutorialBatchMultipleThreadBase
public void runStartTask()
    //1. data preparation
    info(strFmt("%1 - Start operation", AifUtil::applyUserPreferredTimeZoneOffset(DateTimeUtil::utcNow())));
public void runThreadTask()
    //2. Query Processing
    QueryBuildDataSource  qBDS = queryRun.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(CustTrans));
    qBDS.addRange(fieldnum(CustTrans, RecId)).value(batchIdentifier);
    while (queryRun.next())
        CustTrans   custTrans = queryRun.get(tablenum(CustTrans));
public void runFinalTask()
    //3.final task
    info(strfmt("%2 - %1 record(s) processed", SysQuery::countTotal(queryRun),
public container  getBatchIdentifiersRangeCon()
    container  res;
    QueryRun   queryRunLocal = new QueryRun(queryRun.query());

    QueryBuildDataSource   qBDS = queryRunLocal.query().dataSourceTable(tablenum(CustTrans));
    int                    totalRecords, curRecord, recordsPerBatch;
    RecId                  fromRecId, toRecId;

    qBDS.addSortField(fieldnum(CustTrans, RecId));
    !!!qBDS.addRange(fieldnum(CustTrans, RecId)).value(batchIdentifier);

    totalRecords = SysQuery::countTotal(queryRunLocal);
    recordsPerBatch = maxTaskCount > 0 ? totalRecords div maxTaskCount : totalRecords;       if (! recordsPerBatch)
        recordsPerBatch = 1;
    while (queryRunLocal.next())
        CustTrans   custTrans = queryRunLocal.get(tablenum(CustTrans));
        if (! fromRecId) fromRecId = custTrans.RecId;

        toRecId = custTrans.RecId;
        if ((curRecord mod recordsPerBatch) == 0)
            res += SysQuery::range(fromRecId, toRecId);
            fromRecId = 0;
            curRecord = 0;
    if (curRecord && fromRecId && toRecId) res += SysQuery::range(fromRecId, toRecId);
    return res;

In a user interface we added a new field "Number of batch tasks" to specify how many tasks to create.

if we run our function in a batch mode, we will see the following result

In this case, we got the total execution time of 30 sec, but values less than a minute are more related to the batch processing.


I described how easily you could implement multithreading in RunBase framework and convert the existing single-threaded task to the multi-threaded one. One note for this - use this approach only after you have performed all possible optimizations for the original code, running non-optimal code in multiple threads can create some problems. Also, the described solution is compatible with Ax2009 and AX2012 so that you can use exactly the same approach.
